Hardship policy

Stay Connected program

A confidential, non-judgemental, respectful support.  Stay Connected is a partnership. We'll work together to find the right financial support for your situation.

 Is the program right for you?

You may be eligible for the program if you:

  •  Have an outstanding amount on your Jacana Energy residential account

  • Are experiencing financial difficulty

  • Can make payments toward your electricity account

  • Have difficulty getting on top of your electricity bill

  • Are willing to work with Jacana Energy and support agencies to address financial issues

  • May be going through hardship or domestic violence (conditions apply).

View our hardship policy and domestic and family violence policy.

  • Provide you confidential, non-judgemental and respectful support
  • Discuss your current financial and personal circumstances which may affect your ability to pay for bills
  • Review if you qualify for Stay Connected program
  • Make sure your payment plan is fair and reasonable
  • Help you find a financial counsellor
  • Give you information on available concessions and government grants
  • Provide energy saving tips

  • Help us set a realistic plan through open and honest conversation
  • Keep up with your payment plan
  • Tell us if you can't make a payment
  • Let us know if anything changes
  • Stay in touch with our team

To help you in the best way possible, we recommend that you contact us through:

 Online: Fill in the payment plan webform. Enter as much detail as possible.

 Phone: 1800 522 262 (1800 JACANA)

More support

There are many not-for-profit organisations who offer financial support. Here are few organisations to help you get started. You can always speak with our team for more support options.

Catholic Care NT 
08 8944 2000

Anglicare NT 
08 8985 0000

National debt line
1800 007 007 

Dawn House
Women's shelter, family and domestic violence support, financial services.

Salvation Army
Multiple services. Find employment, housing, family violence support, financial services.

Energy Rebates and Assistance; Commonwealth Government
Find rebates, schemes, advice Australia-wide and by state/territory.

Money Smart
Financial hardship assistance and resources. Tools and guides to manage your money better.