Your new monthly bill and its benefits

We’re now working out your monthly bill using your new smart meter. Here's what you need to know.

Benefits of monthly bills

The convenience of monthly bills means you’ll be paying less, more often. This can help to make budgeting easier and is a great way to reduce surprises.

Smart meter customers

Power and Water is upgrading old mechanical electricity meters, to new smart meters, across the Territory. As a new smart meter customer, your account has switched to monthly billing. From now on, you should expect your electricity bill on a monthly basis. You'll notice your first bill might have a different number of invoiced days depending on when your smart meter was installed.

How to read your meter

For instructions on how to read your meter visit: How to read your electronic interval meter (smart meter).

Bills by email

If you receive your bills by post, it might be a good time to get your electricity bill by emailIt only takes seconds to sign-up! Here's some of the reasons why Territorians choose this convenient option:

  • It’s faster and more reliable. Emailed bills arrive in real time before payment is due and not delayed in the post, making it easier to budget.
  • It’s more secure. Reduce the risk of your bill and account information getting lost or held up in the mail.
  • Going paperless is good for the environment. Help out the planet by cutting down on the amount of paper used.


Any concessions applied to your account will continue as usual.

Changing back to quarterly bills

If you want to change back to quarterly bills, please let our team know by filling out the online form below:

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

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