Disconnect your business

Use this form if you have a commercial site and you are applying for:

  1. Connection of electricity: You want to get electricity connected at your business address.
  2. Disconnection of electricity: You want your electricity disconnected, but do not require reconnection at a new address.
  3. Move-out/Move-in: You are moving and want to disconnect electricity at your old business address and reconnect at your new business address.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*)

1. What service do you require ?

Select one of these three options: *
Is the Connecting property used for residential or commercial purposes?
(e.g. shop with staff housing)

Connections and disconnection may take up to 5 business days to be processed.

If your request is URGENT continue to complete the online form with the next available date and call and provide your reference number with your amended date to prioritise your service request.

Connection and disconnection fees apply. For information visit the Pricing and Tariffs page.

You've selected 'Residential'. If there are no commercial or non-profit organisations associated with the account, please fill in our residential connection/disconnection form instead.

2. Your details

GST registered? *
Goods and services tax registration status
Are you a Public Benevolent Institution registered with the ACNC?
Preferred delivery method (bills and correspondence) *

3. Additional authority on the account

Would you like to add an additional authority on to the account?
Authority details

4. Disconnection address

Disconnection details
Disconnection Address

If there are access restrictions to your property such as locked gates or vegetation around the meter, the disconnection will not take place and you will be liable for usage and supply charges until access is granted.

Jacana Energy does not schedule disconnection services during weekends or public holidays. If you select a public holiday or a weekend, your request will be scheduled for the next business day. If your request is needed in the next 5 business days, please call us at 1800 522 262.

Address where to send your final bill

Note: We will attempt to send your final bill by email first if you have selected this option as your preferred delivery method; however please also provide a postal address to forward any future Jacana Energy mail.

Please provide the meter number or full service address for the property.

5. Connection address

Connection details
Are the premises located in a newly built building?
(Mandatory for new developments / newly built homes)
Connection address
If there are access restrictions to your property such as locked gates or vegetation around the meter, the connection will not take place.
Jacana Energy does not schedule connection services during weekends or public holidays. If you select a public holiday or a weekend, your request will be scheduled for the next business day. If your request is needed in the next 5 business days, please call us at 1800 522 262.
If a new meter is required, please specify the type (check with your electrician)
Does the property have solar panels?
If yes, please read the Power Purchase Agreement.
Will anyone living at this address use an electrical device that assists with a life-threatening medical condition? (Life support)

By selecting YES, you confirm that someone living (or will live) in this property has a life-threatening condition that requires uninterrupted electricity supply to operate equipment a registered medical practitioner certifies is needed for life support.

Click here for full details.

You will be listed temporarily on our Life Support Customer Register. We will send you a Medical Confirmation Form or you can download it here. The form needs to be signed by your medical practitioner and returned to us no later than 21 business days from when you receive it.

Failure to provide a completed Medical Confirmation Form may result in your service address being delisted from the Life Support Customer Register.

5-B. Life Support Details

Life support
Must be on or after connection date.
Type of life support equipment:

6. Acceptance

By submitting this application, you: *
You acknowledge that by submitting this application you accept the standard terms and conditions applicable to the Jacana Energy Customer Contract.
Jacana Energy collects information to assist with the process of reviewing this application to connect, disconnect or alter a service. Jacana Energy will not be able to process the application if the required information is not provided. By submitting this application, you permit us to disclose the information contained in this application to other parties (who may be overseas), including third party providers and external agencies as described in our privacy policy. We may also use your personal information for direct marketing purposes. Our privacy policy explains what information we collect, why we collect it and how we protect that information. Please review the Privacy Policy if you require further information about your rights to access your personal information, how to make a privacy complaint or how to opt out of receiving direct marketing.
By submitting this application, you authorise Jacana Energy to conduct a credit check and use any relevant information obtained about your credit history to enable Jacana Energy to establish your creditworthiness, assess your application, assist you to avoid default and assist in the collection of overdue payments. Our Privacy Policy sets out specific details relating to how we handle credit information, in particular regarding the exchange of credit information with credit reporting bodies, guarantors, debt collectors, debt buyers and other parties. Please visit the Privacy Policy on our website for further information about the credit reporting bodies we use and how to contact them to discuss the handling of your credit information.
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